The "No Hype Movement" was originally made for "Worshipers", of which, I truly consider myself to be. Striving to motivate and encourage worship leaders, choir members, and praise teams to achieve a deeper relationship with God is my driving force. An intimate relationship develops, as we gain a deeper understanding of God's Word, thus allowing us to become genuine vessels of God while simultaneously ministering to God's people.

During the construction of this website, I heard God say, "Don't limit yourself"; I have given you so much more. For this reason, posts will be shared which address the ministries for which are most passionate to me - Worship Ministry, Women's Ministry, and the Body of Christ. The Assignment, written by Mike Murdock, introduced me to the concept of 'things that grieve you or make you cry' symbolize the things you need to heal. In truth and in honesty, I grieve over the things I am destined to heal.

Everything we do for God should cause us all to become "YIELDED VESSELS". Our loving relationship with our heavenly Father is what He longs for. God desires to guide His children to greater things. He also wants to lead us down a path of knowledge and understanding of Him as we daily study and apply His truth to our lives. Jesus was asked, "Master, which commandment in the law is the greatest?" To this, he responded, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind”. Matthew 22:36-38.   To love God with ALL one’s HEART, SOUL, and MIND one must devote the entirety of their existence solely to Him. Loving God in this way means every aspect of our lives is fully consumed with loving Him. Apostle Paul in Philippians 3:10 stated, my goal is to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.

Worship Ministry

Worshippers of Jehovah must be primary examples of what we expect of others. We can neither transfer nor impart what is absent in our own lives.

Women's Ministry

The Total Woman, God’s Amazing Creation. A Woman is one of the most magnificent creations God ever made.

The Body of Christ

Our Heavenly Father has always loved His Church. In fact, the Bible declares, while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Ephesians 20:19, states; we can’t measure God’s love.

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Authentic Worship

Years ago, before I understood the appropriate response to a sovereign God I was considered a “church junkie”. A “church junkie”, is one who ascribes praise or worth to God […]

Jealousy, a Woman’s Worst Nightmare

Jealousy is a feeling of lost deeply rooted in insecurities, such as the absence of self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence. Jealousy is a complex emotion, which leads to “inner struggles” within […]

Don’t Abort Your Life

God, as the Master Creator of all things, including people, is a “truth” we never question, and never have a second opinion concerning. Accepting this truth is extremely essential for […]

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