Women's Ministry

Women are extraordinary beings. They are some of the most fascinating of God’s creations. Their complex nature and disposition speak volumes to the creativity of the Master designer. Every woman God created exists for His purpose and glory.  Often women clash, as a result of jealousy, competition, and general disrespect towards the other. Unfortunately, women, in our culture, are taught to compare themselves to each other. But this is insanity. God never intended for us to watch others to determine our own value or significance. Comparing ourselves to others is a form of insecurity, which ultimately leads to feelings of inadequacy.  Many Christians (women) never achieve more in their personal relationship with God because they are busy making comparisons, watching the progress and the possessions of others. You cannot realistically follow God while spying on others if you are trying to reach your fullest potential with God. He is the single author and finisher of our faith and lives.


The chief purpose and aim of a Women’s Ministry are to, train, mature, develop, cultivate, enhance and motivate the lives of every participant, whether, married, single, widowed, or divorced in such a way, that they grow and reach their full potential in God, both naturally and spiritually. Which ultimately will reach and affect every area in their day-to-day existence producing God-pleasing results. Women's individual GROWTH occurs in different ways...


The Act of Teaching...


The Act of Preparation...


The Act of Changing...


The Act of Making it Better...


The Act of Processing...


The Act of Encouraging...

Though, this ministry is established to provide knowledge and understanding through the Word of God and give practical application to enrich the lives of its participants. This ministry does not substitute the responsibility of every individual to nurture and foster their personal relationship with God during their private study and worship.  The ministry is to aid and support in that endeavor as the Scriptures commands us in Titus 2:3-5, Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.