Authentic Worship

Years ago, before I understood the appropriate response to a sovereign God I was considered a “church junkie”. A “church junkie”, is one who ascribes praise or worth to God “without clear vision” as to “why”. For countless years, I went through the form and formality of praising God, singing to God, and dancing before the Lord, without knowledge or understanding. Candidly, once I demonstrated all those vain and mechanical emotions, I remained empty inside.

Praises Teams and Choirs are not designed to entertain people offering vain or mechanical praise during corporate worship service; although, there is a fraction of entertainment involved. What makes an individual’s praise vain? Vain praise is marked by an irreverent manner or by showing little to no value. Motives, intents, and mindsets of the vessels that praise God are relevant. What then is mechanical praise? Mechanical praise is marked, seemingly uninfluenced actions of the mind or emotions. The entertainment that is offered must flow through vessels that are in close relationship with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. In addition, it is a reaction from a heart that understands fellowship or communion with our Heavenly Father. These similarly comprehend, “…love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’

When worshippers recognize what God desires, the worshipper yields dances, praises, shouts of joy, along with tears of appreciation lifting hands in sincerity—not mechanical, but a genuine appreciation for who God is, what He stands for, and what He represents.

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