
This book describes a personal, vivid—"3D and HD"—God-ordained predestination and transformation. In it, you will have a close-up view of my relationship with God throughout its various stages of development, cultivation, and refinement. I believe that through my experiences, your own individual relationship with our Heavenly Father will be enlivened and enhanced.

Before I was born, God had already established blueprints for my life. Jeremiah 1:5, I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations. The Bible declares in Romans 9:11, "For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth." Our purposes are identified in Him that calleth.

Becoming the wife of a pastor was not on my radar. However, everything I have encountered since my birth to the present day has prepared me for this position, whether for good, the bad, or the ugly. Jeremiah 29:11 confirms For I know the plans I have for you”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. I view this book as a seed to get you focused or steered in the right direction to accept that God has a purpose for your life. Now, you do not need to invent, create, or formulate anything. Just go to the creator!

“Worship Wars" originated from a heart that genuinely desires to develop stronger and more effective worship ministries around the globe. As God revealed His heart, thoughts, and mind concerning intricate details of this aspect of ministry, I was honored that He trusted me with much information. Hopefully, this book helps worship leaders and their teams “win the battle against visible and unseen hindrances to the music ministry.”.

During corporate worship, parishioners must be drawn closer to God through singing and music, not the vessels who minister. The Bible declares "Sing unto the Lord". Worship Ministries should engage the parishioners, with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, in a heartfelt experience where they encounter God as Savior, Lord, Redeemer, Healer, and Deliverer. In other words, worship ministries are established to create an environment where the assembly of people may worship God more deeply as they offer themselves to Him. Worship Ministry leaders and their teams must comprehend this ministry's order, sacredness, and seriousness. When first we minister to God, He reciprocates, directing those in charge on how to minister and effectively meet His people's needs. It is a privilege to serve the God of all creation. The purpose of the Worship Ministry never changes, and it never should. Selah.

Author Phyllis Matthews takes you on a unique journey aimed at promoting abundant living in your relationship with God. “Growing and maturing must be a deliberate act,” she says. You cannot wake up one morning and say, “Life will be good for me." You must begin working to accomplish success. Most people, in her opinion, assume things just happen. Yet God is all-powerful. He can do whatever pleases Him according to Psalm 115:3. But we must become yielded vessels in the hands of God to reach our full potential.

After accepting Christ as her personal Savior, Phyllis remained stagnant for many years. Living unaware initiated a major personal “lightbulb moment." God always desires people to be progressive. God never intended stagnation. A lack of spiritual maturity, growth, and development marks stagnation. In “No Dumb Girls Allowed," Phyllis exposes her deliverance from a “dumb girl” to maturity. Through this writing, she intends that others learn from her mistakes, grow from her ignorance, and ultimately lead godly lives. 2 Peter 3:18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. 

The purpose of writing this book is to provide pastoral wives with uplifting perspectives, equipping them with resources suited to their unique experiences, offering clarity to those on the outside, and imparting understanding to those unfamiliar with the specific challenges we face.

A pastor's wife is graced with a divine elegance, a celestial favor delicately woven by the hands of the Almighty. In the divine tapestry of creation, each woman is a masterpiece of ineffable splendor, reflecting the Divine's image. Yet, within this realm of wonder lies an abundant strand of grace, intricately spun and reserved solely for the pastor's wife. This grace is beyond articulation and replication—a rare jewel, a sacred endowment God Himself bestows. It is the substance that empowers her to glide through the ever-evolving seasons of existence with a serene and elegant poise.

Pastor George Matthews frequently remarked, "It takes a SPECIAL lady to be a Pastor's Wife.” Webster's dictionary defines' special' as something created for a specific purpose, designated for a particular duty or event, or held in high esteem and cherished. However, this status does not elevate a pastor's wife above others. Instead, it indicates that God has entrusted her to serve in this capacity, chosen by the Sovereign Lord Himself. Numerous individuals have shared their perspectives or engaged in conjecture regarding the nature of this position, and some hold valid insights. While there is much value in gleaning knowledge from the experiences of others, it is critical to maintain your authentic self and not compromise your identity by emulating another's path. In essence, authenticity should not be surrendered to fulfill this role.

Coming Soon...

Women are some of God's most extraordinary creations; no other species on Earth demonstrates such sophistication, diversity, and complexity. Every woman created by God has a distinct body type and facial structure, and no two individuals have the same hair texture or vocal tone. God's artistry is evident in this diversity. Interestingly, even similar twins manifest distinct characteristics. In essence, God has designed each woman to be uniquely different.

If the above paragraph is accurate, what accounts for the poisonous nature of jealousy and envy among women? Why do these emotions manifest with such cruelty? What motivates a woman to go to the degree of wanting to harm someone because of jealousy and envy physically? What motivates one woman to engage in gossip and speak ill of another woman in her absence? What compels a woman to harbor feelings of hostility towards another woman based on her achievements or potential? What motivates one woman to attempt to dissuade another woman from forming a relationship with someone based on her own feelings? What motivates a woman to deceptively cultivate a friendship with another woman only to sabotage her intentions?



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