Jealousy, a Woman’s Worst Nightmare

Jealousy is a feeling of lost deeply rooted in insecurities, such as the absence of self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence. Jealousy is a complex emotion, which leads to “inner struggles” within individuals destined to model its behavior. Unquestionably, there are several angles to this deadly disease. Denying jealousy causes acceleration of this dreadful emotion. In part, jealousy interferes with the heart of a man or woman. In other words, jealousy comes from a heart entrenched in envy, strife, and resentment.

Women are some of the most fascinating of God creations. No other species on earth is so sophisticated, divine, and ever so complex. Every woman was designed for His purpose and glory, each one according to His precise specifications. If this is the case, why then is jealousy among women seemly commonplace? Secondarily, why is jealousy among women so poisonous? Why is jealousy among women so cruel? What makes one woman gossip, slandering another woman behind her back? What makes a woman long to kill another woman because of what she has or is capable of? Jealousy is deadly among women. As stated, individuals who display this kind of behavior often have deep-rooted issues of insecurity.

Most individuals do not understand the seriousness of jealousy; for this reason, they leave themselves open to disaster. When jealousy is the driving force in someone’s existence, this person misses opportunities for growth, creativity, spiritual development, and a sobriety. Unmanaged jealousy can be a distraction keeping individuals occupied until they have wasted their lives away.

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